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“A divinely-inspired” muse of national socialism

E.A. Zachevsky
80,00 ₽

Zachevskiy Evgeniy А.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor,

Department of Russian Language

Institute of Applied Linguistics

St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University



The article considers the relationship of culture and power analyzing the work of one of the most prominent women-poets of Nazism —Agnes Miguel, in her evolution from a conservative-nationalist orientation to the ideology of national socialism. Being a frank colonialist, Miguel saw Hitler as a man, capable of continuing the Teutonic order colonization of the lands in the East, and contributed to the propaganda of the slogan Drang nach Osten. The article is written in the context of the study of the history of German literature of the Third Reich on request of the Gorky Institute of World Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Keywords: Agnes Miguel, national socialism, the colonization of the Eastern Prussia, literature at the service of politics.



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