Kozlovskaya Natalia V.,
Candidate of Philology,
Doctoral Student
Russian Academy of Sciences;
Institute for Linguistic Studies
E-mail: saga@kodeks.com
In this paper the differences in the interpretation of the biblical stories of the Flood and Pentecost in the works of P.A. Florensky and S.N. Bulgakov are discussed. Linguistic terms that are used to interpret biblical stories are syncretic and are philosophically complicated in their contents structure. Florensky's fundamental idea is the idea of the internal obligatory binding between the name and the thing; Bulgakov's interpretation is based on the concept of the internal language and the internal word as well as the concept of the process of conversion of thoughts into speech.
Key words: term, linguistic term, lingua-philosophical term, biblical story, interpretation, word, name, naming, internal word, internal language.
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