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On the question of the identity of the Novgorod name system measures of square in the history of the Russian language

V.G. Lebedinskаyа
80,00 ₽

Lebedinskаyа Victoria Grigoryevna,

Candidate of Philologe, Associate professor,

Department of the Russian Literature

Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University


Veliky Novgorod and Pskov since ancient times had metrological systems names of measures in which etymologically coincided with the all-Russian roots. After accession of Veliky Novgorod (1478) and Pskov to the Moscow state their original metrological systems continue to be noted in sources in parallel with the all?Russian system some more decades. In work the questions connected with distinction and a community of these systems in the history of Russian are considered.

Keywords: metrological system, names of units of measure of the area, Novgorod written monuments.


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