Kolobaeva Lidiya A.,
Doctor of Philology,
Distinguished Professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University
E-mail: l.a.kolobaeva@gmail.com
The paper presents an analysis of the cycle Brodsky “New Stanzas to Augusta” from the point of view of the relation of lyrical tragedy and emotional tone of thanksgiving in verse-creations of the cycle, which helps us to get closer to an understanding of the basic value began his lyrics, their complex nature and philosophical antinomic the nature of poetic expression — the poetics of changing “prospects”, “big transformations, metamorphoses”, etc.
Keywords: stanzas, stanza, the tragedy, the symbolism, the gap, ghost, Candlemas, forgiveness of, thanks to the dialogue, I and the Other, V. Soloviev, M. Bakhtin, the metaphysics of love, metamorphosis.
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