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The fact word, event word, phenomenon word as subject of Lexicographic, Grammatiс and Discourse research

A.L. Golovanevsky
80,00 ₽

Golovanevsky Arcady L.,

Full Doctor of Philology, professor,

Honourable Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation,

Head of the Chair of the Russian Language,

Faculty of Philology

Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky


Research of lexical semantics leads us to the conclusion that in the Russian language it is possible to allocate the following types of lexical meanings of words: fact words, event words, phenomenon words. Each of these types is characterized by a special denotative focus and ability to organize more complex than the word syntactic units — phrases, sentences, texts. Words with these meanings are differently perceived by our mind and therefore cause various associations and reactions.

Keywords: word, fact word, event word, phenomenon word, semantics, meaning, vocabulary, situation, discourse, lexicographic definition.



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