Dubrovskaya Svetlana A.,
Doctor of Philology,
Professor of the Russian as Foreign Language Department
N.P. Ogarev Mordovian State University
Оsovsky Oleg O.,
Candidate of Philology,
Researcher of the of Russian Language Department
N.P. Ogarev Mordovian State University
e-mail: ofs.ooos@gmail.com
Based on the material of M.M. Bakhtin’s notes and marginalia, the problem of the functioning of the “transitional text” in the intellectual and cultural space of the epoch is posed. The concept of the intellectual archive of the thinker is introduced as a special phenomenon that immerses the “material” component of the scientist’s heritage in the scientific and spiritual contexts of time. For the first time, an analysis of Bakhtin marginalia is presented on the pages of books by A.N. Veselovsky and O.M. Freudenberg, a synopsis of the monograph “Problems of plot and genre”, etc. Explicit and hidden quotations, allusions and references have been identified, indicated by the corresponding Bakhtin deletions, which makes it possible to clarify the dating of individual texts by Bakhtin, the details of his work on the manuscript about Rabelais, and materials on the problems of historical poetics.
Keywords: M.M. Bakhtin, intellectual archive of the thinker, “transitional text”, notes, marginalia, historical poetics, A.N. Veselovsky, O.M. Freudenberg
The study was funded by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 24-28-00061 “M.M. Bakhtin's Marginalia on editions from the scholar's personal library and other bookstores: experience of publication, commentary, and contextual reconstruction”)
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