The article examines the literary connections between the works of F.M. Dostoevsky (“The Brothers Karamazov”) and the works of E.I. Zamyatin of the late 1910s–1920s, prose (the story “The Islanders”, the novel “We”) and drama (the drama “The Lights of St. Dominic”). The article provides assessments of Dostoevsky’s creative method, hero images, plot and genre mastery from Zamyatin’s articles and lectures on the technique of fiction. The problems are analyzed, and the artistic transformation of the types of the inquisitor and the heretic in Zamyatin’s works is traced. Particular attention is paid to the dialogues of Dostoevsky and Zamyatin and other features of the poetics of the novels of the two Russian classics.
Keywords: Dostoevsky, “Demons”, “The Brothers Karamazov”, Zamyatin, “The Islanders”, “We”, “The Fires of St. Dominic”, dialogue, poem, anti-utopia
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