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The problem of identity in the literature of the small peoples of Russia

Cheng Shuangting
80,00 ₽
UDC 82(470+571-17)

Cheng Shuangting,

Senior Lecturer

Hei Long Jiang University (Harbin, China)



The literature of the indigenous peoples of the North of Russia is an integral part of the all-Russian literary system, which preserves the history, cultural memory, religious beliefs and values of each ethnic group. After the October Revolution, the Soviet government pursued a new national policy that promoted the gradual development of the literature of the northern peoples. Influenced by the concept of the “brotherhood of nations” promoted by the Soviet government and the prevailing ideology, the early literature of the northern peoples largely reflected the adoption of the socialist system and the formation of national identity, capturing the changes in the lives and destinies of people before and after the Revolution. In the second half of the 20th century, as a result of the integration of different cultures and the development of modernization, the culture of the northern peoples experienced a significant impact, which led to the strengthening of national identity among writers. In their works, the authors began to study and rethink their own ethnic cultures more deeply, strengthening ethnic identity and demonstrating a pronounced tendency towards cultural self-identification. This identification has gradually shifted from a clear political to a more multifaceted cultural one. At the same time, the development of natural resources had a profound impact on the life of northern communities. Literary works increasingly expressed concern about the preservation of national traditions, culture, language, and ecological balance, which further emphasized the identity crisis.

Keywords: literature of small indigenous peoples, Russia, October Revolution, national identity, cultural identification, cultural anxiety, crisis



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