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Reception of the idea of progress in the mature work of Chingiz Aitmatov

R.G. Kruglov, N.S. Shiroglazova
80,00 ₽
UDC 821.161.1"1952/1997"

Kruglov Roman G.,

Candidate of Art History,

Associate Professor of the Philology and Art History Department

St. Petersburg State Institute of Cinema and Television


Shiroglazova Natalia S.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,

Head of the Foreign Philology and Linguodidactics Department

F.M. Dostoevsky Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy



The relevance of the work is due to modern trends in the study of literature in its axiological aspect. The research is aimed at revealing the nature of the reception of the idea of progress in the mature fiction of Ch.T. Aitmatov. For the first time in literary studies, mutually clarifying nominal and value approaches to the classification of literature have been applied to it. The nominal approach mainly gives an idea of the literary criticism of a particular period, whereas the value approach assumes the classification of works on the basis of the ideological attitudes transmitted in them. The work of the writer of the pre-perestroika period was considered socialist realist in the Soviet period, however, after the collapse of the USSR, the tendency prevails in Aitmatov studies to deny the writer’s belonging to socialist realism. A comparison of the values conveyed in Aitmatov’s work with the value system of socialist humanism shows that the main difference between them is determined by the difference in attitude to the idea of progress. If socialist humanism is characterized by the idea of the linearity of time, then in Aitmatov’s art world time is nonlinear. Despite the proximity to social realism at the level of moral assessments and moral attitudes, in the mature work of the writer, the measure and guarantor of morality is not an ideal idea of the future, but traditional foundations. They do not reflect the new, which is thought of in the Aitmatov paradigm as transitory, but the eternal, which in the works of the writer is opposed to the transitory.

Keywords: Aitmatov, socialist realism, progress, ideology, socialist humanism, mythological trend, tragedy, nonlinear time, historical optimism

The study was funded by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (RNF, project No. 23-18-01007,; Russian Christian Humanities Academy named after F.M. Dostoevsky



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