Kolesnikova Elena I.,
Doctor of Philology, Leading Researcher
Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House)
of the Russian Academy of Sciences
e-mail: ekolesn@mail.ru
Skripchenko Dmitry V.,
Candidate of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer
Institute of the Russian Language
Xian International Studies University (Xian, China)
e-mail: descrip@mail.ru
The article observes the influence of European artistic and philosophical trends on the work of Reed Grachev (1935–2004). We reveal the writer’s ideological views with the involvement of journalistic articles. The article defines the features of the creative direction of the writer, belonging both to neorealism and to the so-called European ‘new wave’ with its inherent subtext expressionism. We observes the typological similarity of the poetics and problematics of the stories “Songs at Dawn”, “Bells” with the novel by R. Merle “Weekend on the South Bank”, which Grachev, as a translator, promoted for publication in Russian. The article uses an authorized typescript of the annotation and translation of a fragment of this novel found in the fund of the “Neva” magazine of the Central archive of St. Petersburg. The article analyzes possible ways of introducing Grachev to the story of the Polish writer M. Hlasko (1934–1969) “The first step in the clouds”, the mention of which is found in diary entries stored in the Manuscript Department of IRLI (Pushkin House). A comparative analysis of this work is carried out, the “zero letter” of it is resolved by an explosive tragic subtext with Grachev’s stories “Adamchik” and “Natka”. We also expressed the hypothesis about the relationship of Grachev’s artistic techniques with the poetics of European films, in turn originating from Soviet formalism. Using the structural-semiotic method, a negative technique is presented in the stories “Songs at Dawn” and “Bells”.
Keywords: Reed Grachev, manuscript, translation, journalism, “zero letter”, “significant absence”, negative reception
The article was written with the financial support of the RNF as part of the scholar project No. 23-28-01311 “The creative legacy of Reed Grachev”
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