Kolysheva Elena Yu.,
Candidate of Philologу,
Associate Professor of the Methods of Teaching Social and Humanities Sciences Department
Institute of the Humanities
Moscow City University
e-mail: elenakolysheva@yandex.ru
We consider the formation of the image of Baron Meigel on the basis of a textual analysis of the entire body of drafts of the novel “The Master and Margarita”, which allows us to get closer to understanding the author’s idea. For the first time, materials from the investigative cases of B.S. Steiger, expanding our idea of the prototype of the Bulgakov’s personage and his embodiment in the novel. In our work, we rely on the system of editions of the novel that we have established: the first (1928–1930), the second (1932–1936), the third (1936), the fourth (1937), the fifth (last handwritten, 1937–1938), the sixth (final, 1938–1940). The draft texts are conveyed by dynamic transcription, which will make visible the process of writer’s work on the creation and allow us to see the formation of the author’s intention. Graphic conventions are used for this: a piece of text crossed out by the writer — [text]; an insert during the writing process — text; a conjecture — <text>; reliability of the transmitted author’s text — <sic>; the end of a page and the transition to the next one are indicated by two straight vertical lines ||. When quoting the draft texts and the investigative cases, the author’s spelling and punctuation are preserved.
Keywords: М.А. Bulgakov, “The Master and Margarita”, the image of Baron Meigel, the image of the informant, B.S. Steiger, textual analysis, history of the text
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