Demidova Olga R.,
Doctor of Philosophy,
Professor of the Philosophy Department
Pushkin Leningrad State University
Relying on the interdisciplinary complex approach the article analyses D. Filisofov’s articles about M. Gorky’s and L. Andreev’s 1900s plays as well as the dynamic’s of Filosofov’s attitude to the both authors’ dramatic works, formed as both a comparison and a juxtaposition in the context of major literary polemics of the period. The author singles out basic characteristic features of Filosofov’s literary criticism, i.e., a high polemical degree as its structural principle and semiotic focus, intertextuality, multilayered polemics carried out both with definite people and literary trends. The author argues that Gorky’s and Andreev’s plays were used by the critic to convey not only his artistic ideas but also his worldview as well as his cultural, philosophical, and anthropological views.
Keywords: literary criticism, polemics, D. Filosofov, M. Gorky, L. Andreev, tradition, periodicals, man
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