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“I am far from a supporter of “decadence”...”: From the history of the relationship between A.V. Amphitheatrov and V.Ya. Bryusov

A.S. Alexandrov
80,00 ₽
UDC 821.161.1

Aleksandrov Aleksandr S.,

Candidate of Philology, Senior Researcher

Literature Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the

Russian Academy of Sciences



The article is devoted to the creative relationship between A.V. Amfitheatrov and V.Ya. Bryusov, contemporaries who held different aesthetic views. At the beginning of the work, the reception of the work of V.Ya. Bryusov in the feuilletons of A.V. Amfitheatrov is traced. Attention is focused on the early negative responses of the publicist to the decadent experiments of the symbolist poet. The role and influence on contemporary critics of V.S. Solovyov’s negative reviews of early modernist experiments is noted. The article traces the evolution of Amfitheatrov’s views on Bryusov’s work. The focus of the study is the correspondence of two contemporaries, Amfitheatrov’s feuilletons of 1907–1909, written in support of the poet. First of all, these are articles in which Amfiteatrov defends Bryusov’s scandalous speech “Incinerated” on the occasion of Gogol’s 100th anniversary in 1909. Amfiteatrov’s reaction to Bryusov’s article “A New Epoch in World History (On the Balkan War)” is analyzed separately. in which the reviewer saw the influence of two historical concepts: L.I. Mechnikov (1838‒1888), set out in his work “Civilization and the Great Historical Rivers”, and V. Solovyov “Three Conversations about War, Progress and the End of World History”. In conclusion, the article examines Bryusov’s reviews of Amfitheatrov’s historical works and a novel in 4 volumes. “The Beast from the Abyss” about the era of the Roman Emperor Nero and the book “Armenia and Rome.”

Keywords: V.Ya. Bryusov, A.V. Amfitheatrov, feuilleton, reviews, decadence, contemporaries, literary criticism, historical works


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