Nasueva Aida M.,
PhD student, Junior Researcher
А.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature
of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Based on the material of A. Blok’s early poems, the article analyzes the influence of the “point of view” of the lyrical subject on the categories of time and space in the works that subsequently made up the first volume of the poet’s works. It is shown that its change allows the lyrical hero to leave the introspective space and take a step into the real surrounding world. Space becomes more tangible — it is an embodied space, and this process leads to a transformation of the lyrical hero appearance. These are the transformations, or modifications of the lyrical subject: a narrator with a third-person perspective, a role-playing character, and the hero’s doubles (doppelgangers). The author of the article focuses especially on the latter, since the phenomenon of duality in Blok’s work is the most striking proof of the ambiguity and inconsistency the “thesis” period. In addition, the article demonstrates that the complexity of the spatial and temporal organization of poems is also due to the modifications of the lyrical hero. It is concluded that the appearance of elements of a dramatic chronotope, plot, and multiplicity of points of view causes the space to open up. In addition, this, using the terminology of B.O. Korman, “the multiplicity of the lyrical system” acts as proof of the antinomy of the inner world of the lyrical “I” of the poet, his “splitting”. The analysis proves that the period of the poet’s thesis is far from being one-dimensional: internal contradictions were clearly outlined, doubts about the correctness of the chosen path emerged, the problem of loss of landmarks and a new choice arose.
Keywords: A. Blok, point of view, double, author-narrator, role-playing hero, lyrical hero, antinomism, thesis, B.O. Korman
The study was supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (RNF, project No. 24-18-00248,
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