Gilmanov Vladimir Kh.,
Doctor of Philology, Professor
Institute of Humanities
I. Kant Baltic Federal University
Kotilenkova Angela A.,
PhD student of the Higher School of Communications and
Creative Industries
Institute of Humanities
I. Kant Baltic Federal University
The work examines the third part of one of the main works of Polish literature of the XIX century — Adam Mickiewicz’s poem “Dziady” — taking into account religious, geopolitical and philosophical contexts. The choice of the third part as the research material is due to the fact that it is it, first of all in the fragment “The Great Improvisation”, that reflects the special character of that phenomenology of the spirit, the manifestation of which were the ideas of Mickiewicz’s rebellious, God-fighting Romanticism and his Messianic ideas. Special emphasis is placed on the monologues of the main character, addressed to God, and imbued with God-fighting ideas. Attention is also focused on the concept of sociocultural semiotics by Yu.M. Lotman, within which one of the most significant parts of the poem — “The Great Improvisation” — can be correlated with the magical model of sacred practices and representations. The important role of the work and its Messianic-patriotic problems for Polish culture as a whole are noted. During the analysis of the original text, conclusions were drawn that the considered Messianic and God-fighting motives are the semantic core of the text, linking together the main idea of the work and its ideological orientation.
Keywords: God-fighting motives, Messianism, Polish literature, cultural code, Adam Mickiewicz
The study was carried out within the framework of the strategic academic leadership program “Priority-2030” of I. Kant BFU
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