Barkaru Victoria I.,
Candidate of Philology, PhD in Humanities and Education
State University of Moldova (Chișinău, Moldova)
In modern specialized literature, the idea of the primary semiotic code priority is supported, i.e. of non-linguistic origin, which appeared a priori due to the spontaneous character of the process of externalizing emotions; the targeted hypothesis would allow an accurate decoding of the expressed messages in the communication process. In this sense, analyzing the rendered emotions, certain grammatical procedures and graphic signs are revealed, and in particular, those of punctuation: ellipsis, combination of exclamation and question marks, font size and shape, etc. The indicated trademarks have the due purpose of transmitting additional information to the receiver, which would facilitate the understanding of the sent message, thus also contributing to the completion of its semantic overload. In the context of the above stated notions, the following comparison of the two semiotic systems is required, and namely, Verbal language vs. Body language, the study of which proposes, at the moment, a vast field of investigation.
Keywords: communication, subjective, linguistic, nonverbal, paraverbal, message, sender – receiver
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