Kozlovskaya Natalia V.,
Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,
Leading Researcher
Institute of Linguistic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences
e-mail: mnegolosbyl@gmail.com
Slozhenikina Yulia V.,
Doctor of Philology, Professor,
Head of the Philology Department
Moscow Financial and Industrial University “Synergy”
Zaitseva Alla S.,
Candidate of Philology,
Associate Professor of the English and Professional Communication Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
e-mail: a.zaitseva@yahoo.com
The aim of the research is to fully analyse the formation and evolution of the thematic field comprising the words with a root angl- in the Russian language. The scientific significance and relevance of the research project are due to the contribution it makes to the anthropocentric linguistic paradigm, as well as due to the new data it represents on the relationship between language, thought, and culture. In order to collect the language material, lexicographic sources are used, dating from the “Leksikon treyazychnyj” by Fedor Polikarpov-Orlov (1704) up to the present. Both the lexemes and their semantic transformations (sememes) are described in the article. The above-mentioned thematic group is studied from the core-periphery point of view at a certain stage of the Russian language evolution. The morphological development of this vocabulary and the emergence of certain parts of speech with a root angl- are traced. In general, at present a local thematic field includes approximately 100 units with a root angl-. Besides, its structure is also composed of more than 50 expressions of varying degrees of idiomaticity. The research methodological basis combines philological and cultural-historical principles which made it possible to show the specifics of the studied lexical field and reflected its peculiarities to a great extent. The research methodology is implicitly formed up taking into account: the modern theory of lexicology, as well as historical, comparative, and quantitative lexicology; the pivotal works on the history of the Russian literary language; the fundamental works on modern and historical lexicography; key historical and cultural research papers studying the relations between the Russian language and culture, including in terms of historical dynamics. The following major methods were used in the course of the research: the method of continuous sampling (in order to form a lexical corpus of the study); a descriptive method (to characterize and interpret the selected material); the method of lexical-semantic analysis (for the purpose of description of the semantic transformations the studied vocabulary undergoes); a cognitive method (in order to reveal the features of cognition and thought typical for the speakers of a given metalanguage, manifested in their specific world categorization); a linguo-cultural method (with the aim of using a combinatorial approach to the objects of language and culture).
Keywords: dictionary, Russian language, Russian dictionary, lexeme, root, English root, English language
The study was supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (RNF, project No. 23-28-01284)
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