Dorofeev Yuri V.,
Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor of the Philology Department
Crimean Republican Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education;
Associate Professor of the Russian, Slavic and General Linguistics Department
V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
The article examines the functional principles of interpreting the processes of variability and variation of language based on the concept of geo-Russian studies by A.N. Rudyakov, which focuses on the interaction of language worlds. The result of mutual influence is variability and variation of the languages involved in this process. At the same time, different sets of extralinguistic factors stimulate the development of the language system in a certain direction and thereby contribute to the formation of specific forms of existence of features in different regions and/or societies. Language contacts are a long and complex process directly related to the development of society, which is manifested not only in the direct borrowing of some units, for linguistics, the improvement of languages as a result of contacts, their ability to adapt to changing conditions are of great importance. Therefore, the problem of variability and the degree of variability of languages should be approached from the position that language contacts are not mechanical in nature, and the results of varying the general invariant system should be considered in relation to the extent to which new units meet the communicative needs of native speakers. The characterization of the variability and variation of the language system should be based on the concept of language as a functional system, which is an invariant, realized in the form of various variants, since it is this approach that will allow us to cover all forms of language as interconnected and interdependent variants of the realization of a single system in different conditions.
Keywords: interlingual contacts, variability of language, variability of language, functionalism
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