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Linguistic and cultural realities of the Old Slavic phraseological fund

N.V.Glukhikh, I.G. Kazachuk
80,00 ₽
UDC 811.16`22

Glukhikh Natalia V.,

Doctor of Philology,

Head of the Russian Language and Methods of Russian Language Teaching Department

South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University


Kazachuk Irina G.,

Doctor of Philology,

Professor of the Russian Language and Methods of Russian Language Teaching Department

South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University



Old Slavic phraseological fund as a source of Slavic, including Russian phraseology reflects the views on moral laws and values in the Christian society and its ethical norms, traditions. Linguocultural study of Old Slavic phraseological units, relying on the scientific works of the Russian phraseological school, contains a description of their external and internal forms. In the structural aspect, Old Slav ic phraseological units are mostly represented by the models of subordinating word-combinations, the peculiarity of their external form is a rigidly fixed component composition. The internal form clearly reflects the ancient Christian linguoculture, the sources of the majority of units are Gospel parables, legends and stories. A number of phraseologisms motivated in this way have survived in the speech of the Slavs, including the modern Russian language. From the point of view of cultural transmission Old Slavic phraseological fund systematically enough represents the linguocultural realities of the ancient worldview (names of Christ, prophets, angels, saints; designation of a person in his relation to faith; religious symbols, religious attributes; rules of life/behavior, the idea of correct behavior; rituals, rites, etc.). These realities define the groups of phraseplogicsl units. The authors use the Old Slavic phraseological dictionaries compiled by the Research Dictionary Laboratory of Magnitogorsk State University (head S.G. Shulezhkova) in interpreting and transferring the graphics of phraseological units.

Keywords: phraseological unit, Old Slavic language, external form of phraseological unit, internal form of phraseological unit, linguocultural reality



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