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Northern text by O. Kozhin (using the example of the storybook “Menagerie”)

E.S. Safron
80,00 ₽
UDC 821.161.1-32

Safron Elena A.,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,

Professor of the German Philology and Scandinavian Studies Department Institute of Philology

Petrozavodsk State University



The main components of the poetics of the Northern text in the work by the modern fantasy and horror literature author O. Kozhin have been identified. The analysis was carried out on the material of the collection of short stories “Menagerie”. The author of the article establishes that the components of the Northern text of this writer are: mythological images that are part of the Slavic, Scandinavian cultures, Finnish anthroponyms, Karelian, Siberian toponyms and ethnonyms, elements of the life and traditions of these peoples, i.e. the writer understands the North in the broadest sense — as space, which unites many cultures and nationalities. It turns out that the Northern text is determined by the romantic code: it is built on the basis of the principle of two worlds, where the profane world is opposed to the sacred world, located on the edge of the inhabited universe, attractive, but deadly, and a romantic hero is placed in the center of the narrative — a lonely, suffering figure who somehow otherwise, he expects an encounter with the supernatural, and therefore goes to those locations that frighten the average person. The author concludes that the hero, meeting otherworldly forces in the space of the North, discovers his true essence and makes his moral choice, finding himself either on the side of Good or Evil.

Keywords: Northern text, romanticism, horror literature, fantasy, national, mythology, motives of devouring, icing


The study was supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (RNF, project No. 24-28-01401)



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