Gutov Adam M.,
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Chief Researcher
Institute for Humanitarian Research
Kabardino-Balkrian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The article is devoted to establishing some general patterns of evolution of the concept of “ideal hero” of the folk epic of the Circassians (Circassians). The initial thesis is the judgment that the content of this concept is determined by a set of circumstances, depending on them, emotional, ethical and aesthetic assessments can change. It is established that the idealization of a character is not always absolutely objective; it is associated with the specific attitude of the author or performer, which extends to the audience of listeners / readers or viewers. The unambiguous interpretation of the character’s image may be a consequence not of the primitiveness of thinking in tribal society, but of a given artistic attitude, which also occurs in developed literary traditions. The analysis is carried out on the basis of authentic texts of Adyghe folklore, using examples from oral, poetic and literary works in other languages as comparative material.
Keywords: myth, archaic epic, late epic, narrative, ideal hero, aesthetic ideal, polyphonic image, Nart tales
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