Kaskina Yuliya U.,
Candidate of Philology, Senior Researcher
Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences
e-mail: kaskina@inbox.ru
In the article, after a long break, the name of the founder of Russian German studies F.A. Braun is restored in the cultural memory and in the history of philological science. The reason for this was the acquaintance of the scientist with A.M. Gorky. In this regard, the history of the acquaintance of M. Gorky and F.A. Braun, their cooperation in the publishing house “World Literature” in Petrograd in 1918 are considered 1919, joint editorial activity in the Berlin magazine “Beseda” in 1923–1925 The study of their correspondence — Gorky’s letters to Brown were published in 13–15 volumes of the complete works of the writer — gives an idea of the relationship between Gorky and Brown, about the scientific activities of the latter, deepens the idea of Gorky’s organizer and editor. For the first time, three articles by Brown, published in the “Conversation” in 1923–1925, are introduced into scientific circulation. The information about Brown’s activities is supplemented by numerous references to him in Gorky’s correspondence with M.I. Budberg, so the XVI volume of the “Archive of A.M. Gorky” is also actively involved in research. The study shows the need to reassess the scientific heritage and personality of the scientist with the involvement of new materials from the archive of A.M. Gorky at the Institute of World Literature and from the personal library of A.M. Gorky, which is quite justified and promising, in connection with the scale of the personality of F.A. Braun indicated in the article.
Keywords: M. Gorky, F.A. Braun, Russian German studies, “Beseda” magazine, editor, correspondence, dedicatory inscriptions
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