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The devil is in the poems: The lyrical origins of a demonic metaphor in Marina Tsvetaeva’s autobiographical prose

A. Arkatova
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UDC 821.161.1-1

Arkatova Anna E.,

Doctor of Philosophy, PhD of University of Illinois (USA);

Associate Professor of the United International College,

Hong-Kong Baptist University;

Centre of Foreign Languages and Cultures (China)


The article is devoted to the interpretation of the image of the “devil” in the Marina Tsvetaeva’s autobiographical prose. As a rule, the devil trope was viewed by scholars outside its phonetic connotations and the verbal context as a whole. The essays “Devil” and “My Pushkin”, however, are distinguished by deep intertextual connections with Tsvetaeva’s youthful poem “My verses, which I wrote so early”, where the ‘devil’ is a direct bearer of a poetic speech, as in ‘my poems’ — ‘little devils’. The poetic meanings generated by this image are actualized in the above-named essays. The lexical pair ‘devil — poem’ becomes an overarching trope through which Tsvetaeva’s prose and poetry start to mirror each other. Such a reading reduces the infernality of this image by removing it from an anti-Christian discourse. The devil trope also generates a meaningful connection to the personality of Aleksandr Pushkin and his monument at Moscow’s Tverskaya Gates: devil — Pushkin-statue — poem.

Keywords: Tsvetaeva, Pushkin, devil, monument, poem, splashes, wine, bare, black



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