Yusupov Khizri A.,
Candidate of Philology,
Head of the Lexicology and Lexicography Department
Tsadasa Institute of Language, Literature and Art
Dagestan Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
e-mail: h-yusupov@mail.ru
The article is devoted to the study of weapons terminology of the Dargin language. Most gunsmithing terms are dialectic in origin, since gunsmithing was most developed in well-known craft centers. One of such centers where not only the production of bladed weapons, but also firearms has developed, is the Kharbuk craft center. Therefore, the material for the article was the dialect names of the Kharbuk dialect of the Dargin language. The purpose of the study is to identify weapons terminology related to outdated vocabulary; review of weapons vocabulary groups. Analysis of the lexical material showed not only the richness of weapons-related terms represented in the Kharbuk dialect, but also their closeness to the literary language. Many terms of dialect and literary language differ only in certain phonetic features. The author also tried to classify terms related to the subject of ancient weapons, edged weapons, firearms and ammunition. As a result of studying weapons terminology, more than a hundred terms were identified. The bulk of weapon terms belong to the layer of the original Dargin vocabulary. Among the weapon terms there are also borrowed words. Both in the Kharbuk dialect and in the literary language, a small layer of borrowings from Arabic, Turkic, Persian and Russian languages have been identified.
Keywords: Dargin language, Kharbuk dialect, weaponry, vocabulary, terminology, term
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