Golius Marianna F.,
PhD student of the Russian and Comparative Philology Department
Ufa University of Science and Technology;
Internet marketer of TD Bashspirt LLC
е-mail: marianly@mail.ru
Fatkullina Fluza G.,
Doctor of Philology, Professor,
Head of the Russian and Comparative Philology Department
Ufa University of Science and Technology
е-mail: fluzarus@rambler.ru
The rapid development of Internet technologies has led to changes in the communication paradigm between content consumers and business representatives. The diversity of the multimedia Internet system and the amount of rapidly changing information could not affect its perception and interpretation. The article examines the main trends in the development of the digital space, identifies the key problems of media consumption faced by mankind in the modern Internet environment, analyzes advertising messages from the point of view of pragmatism and the construction of syntactic structures. In addition, specific examples of the construction of advertising texts are given, taking into account the identified syntactic features and pragmatic attitudes. Recommendations are given for specialists in the field of advertising and marketing to create advertising messages taking into account modern realities.
Keywords: media consumption, marketing discourse, syntax of advertising messages, advertising text, advertising syntax, syntactic models of offers in online advertising
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