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Genre-typological characteristics of academic discourse and features of their im-plementation in the digital environment

E.A. Orlov, N.N. Romanova, T.P. Skorikova
80,00 ₽
UDC 81`37

Orlov Evgeny A.,

Senior Lecturer of the Russian Language Department

Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University)


Romanova Nina N.,

Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,

Head of the Russian Language Department

Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University)


Skorikova Tatyana P.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Russian Language Department

Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University)


The article provides an overview of the most well-known interpretations of academic discourse (AKD) in the light of the interdisciplinary nature of the phenomenon. The constitutive features of academic discourse as an institutional one are systematized, and its place in the typology of discursive activity is determined. The correlation of competing terminological phrases is considered, in which the addition of variable attributes ‘scientific’/‘pedagogical’/‘educational’/‘academic’ to the substantive ‘discourse’ differentiates the semantic field of the nomination and the accentuated semantic shades. In the aspect of linguopragmatics, the strategy and tactics of AKD are characterized, correlated with the sequence of cognitive phases in the consciousness of the subject of discursive academic activity. The genre-typological classification of the AKD is presented in a table illustrating the functioning of written and oral (traditional and interactive) forms of its implementation. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the meaningful and constructive transformation of the constitutive features of AKD in the digital environment. Using the example of its genre composition and precedent texts, changes in these features are shown in the field of computer-mediated communication, where, under the influence of network technologies, polycode, multimodal (multimedia) texts are approved, expanding the range of functioning of the AKD, increasing the informative capacity of the content and interactivity of communication (asynchronous and synchronous) in genre-typological forms implementing it.

Keywords: academic discourse, constitutive features, digital environment, genre-typological classification, polycode/multimodal text


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