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From system linguistics to linguistic didactics

N.V. Krashevskaia
80,00 ₽
UDC 81-11

Krashevskaia Nataliia V.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Linguistics Department

Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography



This paper is one in series of papers focused on correspondence between general linguistics and linguistic didactics and what these two prospects could contribute to each other. Some points of evolution in interinfluence of Fundamental and Applied sciences and practice are briefly outlined and it’s focused on the request for changes in traditional Didactics that have place these days. Then it minds that quite a number of difficulties in teaching Russian as second language can’t find acceptable solution if to be based on standard linguistic practices recommended by conventional linguistic theory. However, being based on foundational aspects of “system linguistics” put forward by G.P. Melnikov, outstanding scholar and eminent scientist, it comes possible to find unusual but productive ways to answer some practical questions and advance some linguistic guidance how this or that language phenomenon could be explained in linguistic theory as well. It gives an impulse to “linguosystem didactics” as some applied research in learning.

Keywords: fundamental and applied sciences, exact and human sciences, didactics, G.P. Melnikov, system linguistics, linguistic didactics, utterance, predicativity, the concept of a closed system as applied to an utterance, Russian as second language


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11. Krashevskaia N.V., Basmanova A.A. Ot lingvodidaktiki k lingvistike: shkala ‘stepeni samostoiatel’nosti’ kak sposob ustraneniia i ob”iasneniia paradoksov vozvratnykh glagolov v russkom iazyke // Sovremennoe pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie. 2022. No. 1. S .236–242.

12. Krashevskaia N.V. Ot lingvodidaktiki k lingvistike. Vozvratnye glagoly: lingvisticheskie vyvody i lingvodidakticheskie rekomendatsii // Polilingvial’nost’ i transkul’turnye praktiki. 2024. T. 21. No. 1 S. 72–82. DOI 10.22363/2312-8127-2024-21-1-72-82.