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Language types as systems of significant features

M.A. Rybakov
80,00 ₽
UDC 81-11

Rybakov Mikhail A.,

Candidate of Philology,

Associate Professor of the General and Russian Linguistics Department

Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



In modern linguistics, the typological classification of languages is often perceived as purely structural, and language types are interpreted as arbitrary combinations of parameters at various levels. The article aims to identify the origins of a systematic approach to the typological classification of languages and show the promise of such an approach to explaining language types as deterministic, functional, and dynamic systems. For this purpose, interpretations of language type in structural concepts and in systemic linguistics of W. Humboldt — I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay — G.P. Melnikov, who set the task of establishing the internal and external conditionality of linguistic parameters of known language types. In systemic linguistics, the concepts of an ideal (standard) type and an individual type, which includes the specifics of a particular language, were clearly distinguished, going back to the Humboldtian opposition between ideal and real grammar. Systemic linguistics has come to the conclusion that not only the units of language are systemically connected, but also the properties of these units, while both follow from the determinant — the senior system-forming property. Along with a historical review of interpretations of the morphological type of language, the article examines those available in the works of G.P. Melnikov’s followers, the results of an analysis of the correlation of individual phonological and syntactic parameters with the morphological type, as well as prospects for further research on this problem.

Keywords: determinant, linguistic theory, linguistic typology, systemic analysis of language, type of language


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