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Motives in the Yakut heroic epic olonkho (based on the texts of olonkho “Nyurgun Bootur the Swift” by P.A. Oyunsky and “Obstinate Kulun Kullustuur” by I.G. Timofeev-Teploukhov)

G.E. Savvinova
80,00 ₽
UDC 821.512.5:89

Savvinova Gulnara E.,

Candidate of Philology,

Senior Researcher

Olonkho Research Institute

North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov



The article is devoted to identifying the features of motifs in the texts of the Yakut heroic epic оlonkho “Nyurgun Bootur the Swift” by P.A. Oyunsky and “Obstinate Kulun Kullustuur” by I.G. Timofeev-Teploukhov. The problem of plot-forming motives in the olonkhos under consideration seems relevant, since the study of motives in texts requires proper evaluation, deepening of research. The main attention in olonkho “Nyurgun Bootur the Swift” and “Obstinate Kulun Kullustuur” is paid to traditional stable formulas and modification of the motif components. The purpose of the study of motives in olonkho “Nyurgun Bootur the Swift” and “Obstinate Kulun Kullustuur” defined the following tasks: identification of motives, determination of their meaning and functioning; to point out the features of the use of motives by P.A. Oyunsky and I.G. Timofeev-Teploukhov; identification of permanent, changeable motives; to follow the modification of motives in olonkho. The methodological basis of the study is comparative typological and structural methods. The works of A.N. Veselovsky, B.Ya. Propp, B.N. Putilov and others were taken into account, as well as the research of Yakut scientists N.V. Yemelyanov, I.V. Pukhov, G.U. Ergis, N.A. Orosina, A.A. Kuzmina et al. Stable motives were found in the olonkho: a description of the creation of the world, the settlement of the Earth by the first person — the main character, the duel of the main character with the enemy, the victory of the hero, the marriage of the hero, the establishment of peace in the Middle World. The immutability of the plot-compositional organization of the olonkho, which are characterized by plot-forming motives, is clarified. As a component part of the plot of olonkho, motives are found: basic, subordinate, specific, episodic, archaic motives. The motives transforming in their development are revealed.

Keywords: olonkho, the main character, characters, motive, stability, archaization, tradition, transformation


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