UDC 821.161.1-32
DOI 10.20339/PhS.3-24.038
Pyatkin Sergey N.,
Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,
Professor of the Russian and Literature Department
Lobachevsky National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University (Arzamas branch)
e-mail: nikolas_pyat@mail.ru
ResearcherID: AAA-9408-2022
The article deals with possible precedent texts of the medallion as a genre variety of the sonnet in Igor Severyanin’s book “Medallions: Sonnets and Variations about Poets, Writers and Composers” (1934). The main principles of the poet’s sonnet portraiture are noted. It is shown that the ironic modus, which is present in the sonnets of the book in different qualities, from a kind smile to evil sarcasm, serves Severyanin as the value-semantic basis of the author’s dialogical relations with the reader, continuing and developing the dialogue of the lyrical subject with the characters of the medallions. The personal and creative connections of the poet with the heroine of the sonnet “Teffi” — the Russian writer Nadezhda Alexandrovna Teffi (Lokhvitskaya, for her husband Buchinskaya; 1872–1952) are comprehended. The aesthetic and ethical-artistic content of this work is analyzed in the context of Severyanin’s book. It has been established that the ‘author – character’ paradigm in the medallion “Teffi” is significantly different from ironic connotations, and the nature of the sonnet portrait of the heroine differs significantly from the dominant author’s strategy in the artistic presentation of other characters in the book. The ironic intentionality of the medallion is explicated in the dialogic appeal of the text to the reader, who, contrary to his expectations, does not find in the content of the sonnet a poetic portrait of Teffi, corresponding to the well-established literary reputation as the ‘Queen of Russian humor’. The sonnet “Teffi” recreates the image of a subtle and soulful lyric poet, similar to the author with his ironic attitude to the world.
Keywords: Igor Severyanin, Teffi, sonnet, medallion, sonnet portrait, character, lyrical subject, reader, irony
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