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Signs in folklore and ethnoculture of the Lezghins

A.R. Gasharova
80,00 ₽


DOI 10.20339/PhS.3-24.031

Gasharova Aida R., 
Candidate of Philology, Senior Researcher
Tsadasa Institute of Language, Literature and Art
Dagestan Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences 


In the article, we trace the reflection of the linguistic picture of the world in Lezghin folk signs. Signs are an important component of the folklore and ethnic culture of the Lezghins. They have a significant impact on the formation and formation of the language picture of the world. Based on the actual folklore (ethno-cultural) material, the signs and folk observations of the Lezghi people were analyzed. Attention is paid to the semantic features of the texts of folk signs, revealed in folklore paremiological collections. In the analysis, we also use texts recorded in oral speech, since signs include those interpretations that are based on collective experience and are recorded in people’s memory. The relevance of the article is due to the fact that signs containing a symbolic index of ethnocultural concepts are the subject of increased attention. This genre of folklore is characterized by ethnocultural, linguocultural and cognitive significance. This position was practically not considered and not investigated earlier. The author gives definitions given by folklore scientists to folk signs. The work gives a general idea of folk signs; the definition will accept as an aphoristic genre; various ways of classifying and systematizing the presented verbal formulas are presented, as well as superstitious interpretation and sacred signs. The main genre features characteristic of signs are determined: stability (stability); template; irrationality (illogicality). We also considered various social and regulatory functions that signs perform: cumulative (accumulative), regulatory (controlling), prognostic, evaluative (axiological). Based on the analysis, we found that the signs of the Lezghi people reflect centuries of experience, reveal information about the spiritual and material world, about ethnic culture.

Keywords: Lezghin folklore, ethnography, ethnoculture, aphoristic genre, proverbs, folk omens, superstition, beliefs, syncretism




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