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Semantic rubrication of word combinations as the basis for compiling of Russian-German and German-Russian combinatorial dictionaries

V.V. Epifanova
80,00 ₽


DOI 10.20339/PhS.3-24.003

Epifanova Valentina V.,
Candidate of Philology,
Senior Lecturer of the Comparative Study of Languages Department
Lomonosov Moscow State University


In the article the theoretical justification of the lexicographing method based on semantic rubrication, which is currently absent in bilingual combinatorial dictionaries of Russian and German languages, is proposed, the author`s material of dictionary entries based on meaningful ordering of word combinations is demonstrated, the significance of semantic organization of the entries for Russian-German and German-Russian combinatorial lexicography is analyzed.

Keywords: compatibility, combinatorial lexicography, Russian language, German language



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