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Commercial project versus “Creative Artel”: The phenomenon of creative behavior in the context of avant-garde communities (based on the example of two productions of “Victory over the Sun”)

A.V. Shvets
80,00 ₽

UDC 82.02:792



Shvets Anna V.,

Candidate of Philology,

Senior Lecturer of the Discourse and Communication Department

Lomonosov Moscow State University



The article explores the phenomenon of creative behavior in the activities of avant-garde communities. Creative behavior becomes essential for understanding the avant-garde text, framing the text as a symbolic formation. It is argued that within the inherent focus on reader participation in avant-garde creativity, the realization of this pragmatic dominance is variable and depends on a complex set of institutional circumstances and the communicative pact between authors and the audience. Two avant-garde communities are chosen as examples: the pre-revolutionary avant-garde, the circle “Hylaea” led by D. Burliuk (“commercial project”), and the (post)revolutionary avant-garde, the society “Unovis” led by K. Malevich (“creative artel”). The specificity of recipient involvement in community actions depended on the established communicative pact, and this difference becomes apparent in the comparative analysis of the two productions of “Victory over the Sun” in 1913 and 1920. The receptive response in 1913 was largely determined by the following model of relations between the audience and the community: involvement through norm violation (scandal) and subsequent improvisation, as the scandal served as an advertising means to attract an audience due to the marginalization of the cubofuturists and the lack of access to literary resources. In 1920, the playful element of scandal is no longer present in the interaction scenario with the addressee (due to different institutional circumstances – external funding and the absence of the need to win over the audience). Therefore, the communication scenario was carried out as the interaction between a prophet-educator and a disciple-follower. The recipient’s receptive behavior also changed: either to engage in aesthetic action and dissolve in the collective subject or to observe the action from a distance without involvement.

Keywords: avant-garde, futurism, constructivism, literary scandal, Kruchenykh, Malevich.



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