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Chekhov and the Bakhtin tradition of interpreting his work

S.A. Kibalnik
80,00 ₽

UDC 821.161.1



Kibalnik Serguei A.,

Doctor of Philology, Leading Researcher,

Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the

Russian Academy of Sciences;

Professor, St. Petersburg State University



The article is a criticism of the interpretation of Chekhov’s work, based on M.M. Bakhtin’s inherent ideas about the equal significance of the “voices” of the heroes and their equivalence with the author, which he developed mainly on the material of F.M. Dostoevsky’s work. In modern Chekhov’s studies, it has given rise to the practice of denying the definitely declared authorial position in Chekhov’s works and equating them in this regard with postmodern amorphism. Based on the material of many different works of, the article demonstrates that the notorious Chekhov “principle of uncertainty” actually has no basis. Contrary to the claims of supporters of the Bakhtinist tradition of interpreting Chekhov’s work, it is not at all uncommon for him to directly express his author’s position. Together with the indirect ways of its manifestation, Chekhov’s text in this regard is rather redundant than insufficient.

Keywords: Chekhov, interpretation, author’s point of view, Mikhail Bakhtin, ambivalence, postmodernism, amorphousness.



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