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The sky as a space of myth in the artistic creativity of M. Mokaev

R.A. Kerimova
80,00 ₽

UDC 81`42:821.352-1

DOI  10.20339/PhS.1-24.071       




Kerimova Rauzat A.,

Candidate of Philology, Senior Scientific Researcher

Institute of Humanitarian Studies

Kabardino-Balkar Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ORCID: 0000-0003-1964-4511

Researcher ID: E-3390-2017

Scopus ID: 57210863366

Author ID: 707464

SPIN-code: 1548-5430



The article is devoted to the study of the space of the sky, which plays a significant role in the creation of the myth about the poet, poetry, creative gift. The originality of the author’s interpretation of the mythologems of the sun, moon, stars is studied. Mythopoetic imagery and mythological motifs form the basis of M. Mokaev’s artistic thinking. In the poetic texts of M. Mokaev there are heavenly images of various etymologies: mythological, religious. Considering them allows us to discover one of the key motives of his lyrics — the desire for an ideal. Symbols of heavenly bodies accompany the theme of creativity, love, friendship. The figurative and associative features of heavenly symbols are determined, the specificity of individual thinking is revealed, and the connection with mythological, religious, literary and philosophical foundations is established. The originality of the author’s interpretation of the mythologems of the sun, moon, stars is studied. The originality of metaphorization is revealed, the specificity of national artistic thinking in the poetry of M. Mokaev is revealed. The main tasks are to identify intertextual connections, allusions, reminiscences in order to clarify the mythological sources of M. Mokaev’s cosmogonic system. The work focuses on the main themes and motifs of the lyrics; on the study of poetic handwriting and artistic and stylistic features. As a result, the main images and motifs associated with the space of the sky are identified, the degree of influence of archetypes, mythologems, nominological elements, ornithogenic images (conditioned by the ideas of ascension) on the semantic field of the main concepts is revealed. For the reliability of the results of the study, we tried to cover all periods of the writer’s legacy associated with the identified issues.

Keywords: M. Mokaev, sixties poet, literature of the thaw era, myth, semantics of myth, celestial symbols, light symbolism, cosmism, ornithogenic images, Karachay-Balkarian poetry of the 1960s.



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