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About the discursive word ‘prosto‘ / simply and the system of its meanings

N.M. Devyatova
80,00 ₽

UDC 811.161.1`3

DOI  10.20339/PhS.6-23.003


Devyatova Nadezda M.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Russian Language and

General Linguistics Department

Institute of Humanities

Moscow City Pedagogical University



The article discusses the discursive word simply and the system of its meanings. The objective is to identify the signs that ensure the unity of the word. The system of significant signs of adverbs and particles is identified. Opposition is thought of as an opposition of dictum and modus meaning. The adverb contains an assessment of some “technological process” and is addressed to the dictum of the described situation. The semantics of a particle is formed by a modus value. The set of modus meanings is represented as a “separate modus string”, or a modus script. When describing the semantics of a particle, the context of use is taken into account — the position before the identifying or characteristic vocabulary. The main modus meaning of the particle is to show the presented explanation of the situation as the simplest and most natural.

Keywords: adverb, particle, mode, “mode string”, subject and characteristic vocabulary.



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