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Bilingualism and bimentality of the writer. On the works of Chingiz Aitmatov

Z.K. Derbisheva
80,00 ₽


UDC 81`24

DOI 10.20339/PhS.6s-23.038


Derbisheva Zamira K.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor

Kyrgyz-Turkish “Manas” University (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)



The article is devoted to the problem of the interdependence of bilingualism of Chingiz Aitmatov as a linguistic component of his creativity and mentality as a manifestation of the identity of the author’s consciousness. The article raises the problem of Ch. Aitmatov’s mental understanding of purely Russian cultural values and realities; the question arises whether the writer’s creativity can be regarded as a phenomenon of complete cognitive development by the writer’s bilingual consciousness. The analysis made it possible to postulate certain conclusions related to the parity coexistence of two types of mentality — Kyrgyz and Russian — and the dominance of the writer’s original mentality. At the same time, it should be emphasized that the manifestation of mentality is not tied to the national specifics of the events described in the texts.

Keywords: language personality, language consciousness, mentality, language competence, concept, conceptosphere.



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