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On the issue of fragmentary restoration of the mythological worldʼs picture using the method of motivic analysis (based on the material of the Milky Wayʼs cosmonyms)

S.V. Yakovleva
80,00 ₽

UDC 81`22:39

DOI 10.20339/PhS.6s-23.031


Yakovleva Svetlana V.,

Teacher of Additional Education

Institute of the Russian Language

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba



The aim of this study is a fragmentary restoration of an archaic picture of the world based on the material of the Milky Way’s cosmonyms using the method of motif analysis. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the consideration of previously unexplored vocabulary, which is characterized by the oblivion of their original meanings, which once reflected the foundations of being and the worldview of ancient man. An attempt was made to substantiate the opinion that the image of the Milky Way is one of the important structure-forming objects of the mythopoetic model of the world by identifying similar motives contained in mythological, folklore and religious texts. As a result of the comparative analysis carried out, the author of the article came to the conclusion that the nominations of the Milky Way represent a “linguistic expression” of the ancient ideas about this cosmic object as a kind of boundary locus that separated the “own” and “alien” world.

Keywords: motif analysis, motive, cosmonyms, starry sky objects, Milky Way, plots of mythological and folklore works, restoration of the mythopoetic picture of the world.



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