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Polygenre of A. Polyarinov ‘s prose

A.M. Shapiro
80,00 ₽

UDC 82.161.1-31

DOI 10.20339/PhS.5-23.116  


Shapiro Angelina M.,

Editor-in-Chief of the Publishing House “Mann, Ivanov and Ferber”,

PhD student

Moscow Polytechnic University


In modern science fiction, dystopia occupies a special place, as evidenced by the works of T.T. Davydova and O.V. Bogdanova. Along with classic fiction, dystopia can be called the most popular genre modification in modern literature. Unlike utopia, which seeks to paint an image of an ideal society where there will be no place for wars, suffering, or injustice, dystopia is a nightmarish image of any society. This book review characterizes the polygenre of the prose of the modern writer Alexey Polyarinov — dystopian, fairy-tale and mythological features. To achieve this goal, two main novels are considered in detail — “Center of Gravity” and “Reef”, special attention was paid to the analysis of the images of the central characters of these works. The genre features of the dystopia of the novel “Center of Gravity” are identified and comprehensively considered, fragments of the text emphasizing the fabulous motives of the plot are also analyzed. In the novel “Reef” considers the problem of sectarianism and the methods of mental influence that the head of the sect uses to completely subjugate the will of the sectarians. The complex problem of relationships within the family is also explored. Examples of mythological images of the novel, important for the disclosure of the plot, are given. The relevance of this study is due to the interest in modern Russian literature, the main problems that are currently being addressed in it, its artistic trends.

Keywords: Alexey Polarinov, modern Russian prose, genre, novel, dystopian, fabulous, mythological.



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