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Instrumental-operational strategy for the implementation of a cognitive-pragmatic program: General provisions (Article1)

D.I. Ivanov, D.L. Lakerbai
80,00 ₽

UDC 811.161.1`22

DOI 10.20339/PhS.4-23.010   


Ivanov Dmitry I.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,

Professor of the Institute of Russian Studies

Xi’an International Studies University (China)


Lakerbai Dmitry L.,

Candidate of Philology,

Associate Professor of the Russian Philology Department

Ivanovo State University



The present article proposes a comprehension of the original author's concept of cognitive-pragmatic programs (CPP) in the context of the theory of intentionality. Intentionality is realized as a plan that forms an intention and utilizes the form of a signal. A special role here is played by the system of instrumental attitudes of the CPP, which make up the cognitive-mental strategy of one’s actions and interactions on the basis of the target and self-identification CPS subsystems (cognitive-pragmatic sets). An instrumental-operational strategy is a cognitive project (action plan) of the source subject aimed at the successful implementation of one / several strategic goals of the CPP. The dynamic instrumental-operational model of the intentional P-D(S) functioning can be represented as a formula: instrumental-operational strategy of the intentional P-D(S) (“how”) = tool - method - operation (action). The instrumental-operational strategy acquires the properties of the intentional-discursive space in which it is actualized. This is the reason for the internal (cognitive-mental) harmonization and integrity of the discourse signal.

Each of the components of the instrumental-operational strategy P-D(S) (tool, method, operation (action)) can be considered both as part of the general dynamic signal of the actual discourse / CPP, and as an independent signal. There are two options for describing the functional activity of software Р-D(S): instrumental signal P-D(S) (“how”) = the first component of the general signal (instrument) + the second component of the general signal (the way the instrument is implemented) + the third component of the general signal (operation / action); instrumental signal Р-D(S) (“as”) = signal 1 (instrument) + signal 2 (method of representation / mechanism for implementing the instrument) + signal 3 (operation / action). This model has two main forms of actualization — “direct” and “reverse”. The “direct” form is relevant for the source subject, the generator of CPP / P-D(S). The source subject begins the operation of functionalizing the program discourse signal by searching for an instrument, and ends this process by performing an action. The subject-interpreter, when interacting with the discourse, performs the reverse operation.

Keywords: intentionality, cognitive-pragmatic program, source subject, interpreter subject, discourse-signal, instrumental-operational strategy.



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