UDC 80(479.25)
DOI https://doi.org/10.20339/PhS.4-23.003
Katvalyan Viktor L.,
Doctor of Philology,
Director of Acharyan Institute of Language
National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia,Yerevan
e-mail: viktorkatvalyan@mail.ru
Khachatryan Lalik M.,
Doctor of Philology, Professor,
Head of the Linguistic Research Laboratory
Abovyan Armenian State Pedagogical University, Yerevan
e-mail: lingualal51@mail.ru
The present paper examines the topical areas of research in the field of linguistics in modern Armenia.
These include, first of all, the continuation of work on the creation of a dialectological atlas of the Armenian language. Today, the problems of Armenian ethno- and glottogenesis are of great importance, where theoretical developments related to the description of the development of the Armenian language are of great importance. Scientists of the Institute of Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia are doing a great work on the development of modern Armenian lexicography and terminology. Collaborative work of Armenian scientists is also carried out on the creation of linguistic base for automatic translation, linguistic processing of information.
Keywords: Armenian language, dialectal groups, dialectal studies, Armenian lexicography and terminology, machine translation.
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