Petrov Andrey V.,
Doctor of Philologу, Associate Professor, Associate Professor
оf the Russian Language and Speech Culture Department
Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University
The article reveals the imaginative and emotionally expressive potential of Russian impersonal sentences in fiction. It is based Vasily Belov’s story “The Same Old Thing”. The key phrase of the story, which is an impersonal sentence, is examined. The article analyzes the functions of the impersonal predicates most frequently used in the story, of various types of impersonal sentences, of dialectal and colloquial forms of impersonality. Special attention is paid to the role of impersonal-genitive constructions in the formation of ideological and imaginative content of the story. The article notes that varieties of the semantic and grammatical category of impersonality help the author convey Ivan Afrikanovich Drynov’s — the protagonist’s — feelings and views. The combination of impersonal constructions and comparisons, the high frequency of impersonal sentences in particular fragments of the story help create a deeper and more meaningful narrative.
Keywords: impersonal sentences, Vasily Belov, impersonal predicative words, intensives, comparisons, dialectal words.
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