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Soviet philology during the war: a small contribution to the Great Victory

V.N. Bazylev, O.V. Nikitin
80,00 ₽


Bazylev Vladimir N.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor

Moscow State Linguistic University


Nikitin Oleg V.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor,

Professor of the Russian Language Department

Petrozavodsk State University



The article analyzes the facts and events in Philology during the Great Patriotic war. The main problems that were solved by humanitarian science in wartime are outlined. It is noted that complicated historical period allowed us again turn to the discussion of problems of traditional Slavistics and diachronic Rusistics, which were actually banned in previous years. The contribution of higher educational establishments to the formation of the ideological strategy of science is shown. Philological programs of academic institutions are presented and commented on. The role of comparativists in the development of applied linguistics is noted. It is said about the continuity of tradition and the influence of the ideological factor in language on the creation of a scientific picture of the world in 1941–1945. The conclusion is made about the importance of patriotic education by means of historical facts and archival documents.

Keywords: Philology, The Great Patriotic war, language and ideology, Slavistics, Academy of Sciences.



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