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Three levels of philology history

A.T. Hrolenko, S.P. Pravednikov
80,00 ₽


Hrolenko Alexander T.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor,

Professor of the Russian Language Department,

Kursk State University


Pravednikov Sergey P.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor,

Dean of the Philological Faculty,

Kursk State University



The article ascertains and explains the fact of insufficient historiographic interest in philology that is, in authors opinion connected with some basic problems of the word science that are not yet solved. The article contains a discussion concerning the existing several layers in philology history and three levels that it includes, among them “outside” history, “inner” history” and “individuals”. “Outside” history contains the ties of philology and objects, that can be found beyond its levels, for example, the connection between philology and the other spheres of scientific knowledge and society that are formed as the means of national identification and the integrals of educational process. “Inner history” is connected with the dynamics of dominating objects including the essence of the humane knowledge, the origin of the subjects, the system of their ties and the dynamic processes of different type. “Inner history” is aimed of the unique point of view concerning the philology status and the existence of the common definition. The authors of the article think that philology is a science that looks at the text as at the subject, and the subject matter of the text deals with the meanings that are expressed with the help of the language and paralinguistic structures of the text, including all the obvious and hidden peculiarities of the text itself and its units. The authors suggest taking into consideration the level of personal philology that is determined by the peculiarities of the humane science and the obvious and hidden laws of the text itself and its units as well. There is a suggestion to pay attention to the personal philology that is predetermined by the character of the humane science — that is by the integrity of the subject and the person, who is studying the subject. The process of forming the personal history in philology is described on the example of F.I. Buslaev whose live is closely connected with his scientific work and his memoirs. At the end of the article there is a conclusion the main idea of which is that the philology scientific status is based on three levels that are closely connected and that provide its heuristic and creative levels and pragmatism of the received knowledge / The ideas that increase  scientific knowledge concerning the inner history of science and the value of outside history of philological knowledge are born on the personal level.

Keywords: history of philology, personal knowledge, F.I. Buslaev, M. Polanyi.



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