Kaziaba Viktoria V.,
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the General and
Germanic Linguistics Department,
Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University
The study is located at the intersection of the two modern fields in world linguistics: onto- and Internet linguistics. The article considers usernames of the German-speaking children (7–12 years old) who have a personal account on the gaming Internet service. The factual material contains 800 examples. The studied virtual anthroponyms are the result of an act of selfnomination, on which self-awareness, self-reflection, psycho-age characteristics of children, as well as their language skills and abilities, are projected. The analysis shows that more than half of the children construct the usernames from «borrowed» onyms or common nouns, thus transferring in selfnominations their interests, hobbies, self-esteem and social attitudes, primarily related to the start of school. One-third of informants use their real anthroponyms as selfnaming, especially informal forms of personal name. Structurally, monocomponent Internet names consisting of one lexem prevail. Such selfnominations demonstrate children’s successful digestion of word-building techniques, interest in English language vocabulary. Polycomponent nicknames are represented by a variety of substantive phrases. The absolute majority of selfnominations are composed of one or several paraverbal means at once: numbers, symbols, capitalization. However, using graphics, children primarily implement the differentiating function in their own virtual names, trying to separate them from a number of similar names. In general, children's selfnominations on the Internet demonstrate a rather phatic, accumulative, emotional-expressive character and have a meliorative tone. To a lesser extent they are inherent in creativity and desire for visual and meaningful aestheticism.
Keywords: internet, anthroponym, username, virtual persona, selfnomination, children, game, developmental psycholinguistics.
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