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A Month in Dachau: Descent into Paradise. Vladimir Sorokin as a Metarelativist

P.E. Spivakovsky
80,00 ₽


Spivakovsky Pavel Evseevich,

Ph.D. Associate Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Philological Faculty,
Department of Contemporary Russian Literature and Modern Literary Process



This article proposes new approaches to the creativity of Vladimir Sorokin. The well-known story A Month in Dachau is analyzed and the proximity of its poetics to the principles of the metarelativism combining in deliberately contradictory unity the relativistic beginning and “finalizing,” auctorial intensions is shown. Genesis and the key opportunities of metarelativist poetics are revealed. It is shown that the traditional postmodernist optics by means of which Sorokin’s creativity are usually considered, prevents scholars from research of many important aspects in writer’s fiction. The metarelativism is considered as an element of metamodernist poetics of Sorokin, which remains connected to postmodernism, but at the same time removing a set of a postmodernist theoretical ban and restrictions. The ratio of binary and ternary ethical oppositions is in a new way comprehended also. In the story A Month in Dachau mirror transformation of classical topos of travel from a hell through a purgatory to paradise is revealed: in this work the hell and paradise are functionally interchanged the position, and the role of a purgatory is carried out by chambers of a Nazi concentration camp of Dachau, used for training of the character for future superhuman transformation. The representation of a metaphorical cannibalism which in the story is comprehended as the tool for radical transformation of a human nature and familiarizing with Nazi anti-human (superhuman) system of thinking and mentality is examined in details. In the tragic final of the story the moving beyond ternarity is revealed which is related to suicidal but inevitable for the protagonist’s breakup with inhuman paradise which was desired for him before. The articles shows how metarelativist freedom lets feel paradoxical depth and tragic sense of the story.

Keywords: A Month in Dachau, Vladimir Sorokin, metarelativism, metamodernism, tragic.



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