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Forgotten paradigms of linguistics: G.P. Melnikov’s systemology

O.I. Valentinova, S.Yu. Preobrazhenskiy, M.A. Rybakov
80,00 ₽


Valentinova Olga I.,

Doctor Science in Philology, Рrofessor

School of Philology

Chair of general and Russian linguistics

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)



Preobrazhenskiy Sergey Yu.,

PhD, Associated professor

School of Philology,

Chair of general and Russian linguistics

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)



Rybakov Mikhail A.,

PhD, Associated professor

School of Philology,

Chair of general and Russian linguistics

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)



The article unveils the explanatory and prognostic potential of the linguistic conception created by the founder of modern system linguistics G.P. Mel’nikov in the fields of philological (and, in a broader sense — humanitarian) knowledge in which the scientist himself did not work, from semiotics of culture to culture of speech. The unknown to scientific community samples of interpreting language facts manifesting themselves in very different forms, are integrated into the general context of G.P. Mel’nikov’s theory; thus the authors actualize the universal character of Mel’nikov’ ideas which allows to  switch the vector of development of many linguistic sciences from descriptive (including traditionally descriptive) to explanatory.

Key words: G.P. Me’lnikov, system linguistics, external and internal forms of language, external and internal determinants of language.



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