Корзина пуста.

Towards the development of the information retrieval system “Electronic dictionary of the Dargwa language”

R.O. Mutalov, M.R. Mutalov



Mutalov Rasul O.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Chief Researcher at the Department of Caucasian Languages at the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

e-mail: mutalovr@mail.ru


Mutalov Magomed R.,

Chief of the department of web technologies,

Dagestan State University, Makhachkala, Russia

e-mail: mutalov@gmail.com


This article deals with the basic principles of creating and utilizing the information retrieval system — “Electronic dictionary of the Dargwa language”. In the article the phases of development of this resource are described. The development of a subsystem for parsing is discussed, as well as the input of dictionary entries in the database and the web interface for locating, displaying and searching entries. The format according to which dictionary entries are built up is described and also the lexical and grammatical information they display. The aim of the dictionary is to provide quick access to lexical and morphological information on Dargwa for different categories of users. The module that was created for converting dictionary entries to text files in the database can be used as a base for the creation of similar dictionaries for other closely related languages.

Keywords: Caucasian languages, Dargwa, lexicography, electronic resources, databases, software tools.



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This research was carried out with financial support from the RFH; project number 15-04-12013в Information retrieval system “Electronic dictionary of the Dargwa language”.