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The drama «And the light shines in the darkness» by L.N. Tolstoy: Does the hagiographic Canon or philosophical realism?

A.M. Amirkhanyan

Amirkhanyan Anahit Mihajlovna,

PhD, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Docent.

Associate Professor

Department of Russian and Foreign Literature,

Armenian State Pedagogical University after Kh.Abovyan



The article discusses the autobiographical drama L.N. Tolstoy's “The light shines in the darkness”, which, though not complete, true to life. Diary entries help identify the reasons for which the work on the drama was slow or no go. The author makes an attempt to understand the drama of Tolstoy's life during the work, affect the dramatic basis, the philosophy of realism in the unfinished drama, which extends the theoretical understanding of the drama as genre and its characteristics.

Key words: drama, L.N. Tolstoy, conflict, creed, Religion, social and moral teaching.


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