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Classics & Postmodernism: Novel “Chapayev” by D. Furmanov`s Novel “Chapayev and Void” (“The Clay Machine-Gun”) by V. Pelevin. Devoted to the 90th anniversary of publishing D. Furmanov’s novel “Chapayev”

V.D. Seraphimova

Serafimova Vera D.,

Candidate of Philology, Professor

Department of Russian Literature&Journalism of XX––XXI centuries

Moscow State Pedagogical University



In his postmodern novel “Chapayev and the Void” V. Pelevin consciously starts and departs from D. Furmanov’s classic novel “Chapayev”, and creates his own virtual world, by mixing the real and the imaginary. Pelevin`sChapayev appears to be decoded image Furmanov`sChapayev. Furmanov`s novel recreates Chapayev as a hero of the Civil War, fighting for the people`s cause, whereas Pelevin`s novel aims at teaching the reader to interpret Russia’s history ironically. For this reason the “cult writer” applies funny pasting, ironical puns and play on words the priority of emotions over semantics.

Keywords: classics, postmodernism, humanism, continuity, intertextuality, virtual reality, pastiche, solipsism.



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